The key to writing an effective cover letter is to be is enticing to the employers you are persuading. For you to win an interview for your target job, ensure that your cover letter sells your experiences, skills, and abilities, as opposed to emphasizing those things that you lack. If you are a software developer composing a cover letter, highlighting your weaknesses can cost you a lot and probably render you jobless for an extended period. Besides, ignoring the most crucial rules of composing an excellent cover letter will give its reader the wrong impression about you, as they could assume that you are not detail-oriented. Below is a software developer cover letter sample with a detailed outline of the various tips you can rely on to compose an eye-catching cover letter.
- # Software Developer Cover Letter Template
- # Software Developer Cover Letter Sample
- # Tips for Writing Software Developer Cover Letter
- # How to Edit Software Developer Cover Letter Template
Free Software Developer Cover Letter Template

This is a free cover letter template for a software developers. Free Download and customize it according to the sample text below.
Supported formats
Software Developer Cover Letter Sample (Text)
Malcolm Stalk
16 Applis Street,
Sometown, QA 19700
(315) 000 199 000
March 2, 2018
Lopez Perez
Human Resource Manager
Gateways Technical Services
Normans Company
33341 Northwick start
Hampton, PA 55555
Dear Ms. Perez,
Re: Application for the Job Advertised At Young Entrepreneurs Daily
This letter is to express my interest in the software developer job that you posted on The Young Entrepreneurs Daily. I have extensive experience in software programming and design, and I am sure that my educational background, as well as my professional achievements, will meet your requirements.
Engaging in tasks that require me to work outside my comfort set, has always been my passion, as they challenge me to deliver the best services. Besides, being involved in emerging trends and issues in the profession has enabled me to acquire development strategies besides learning new languages to develop firms.
Your outlined requirements have a close match with my background and skills. I believe my below highlights will enable me to contribute to the success of your organization.
- Extensive experience of working on technologies like SP.NET, MVC, HTML, Jquery among others that are essential to the smooth operation of computer devices.
- Proven track record of excellent documentation for explicit reference and future maintenance and upgrades.
- Thorough and demonstrated an understanding of algorithms and data structures.
- Proven expertise and know-how in all phases of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) with an added knowledge in requirement analysis, design, implementation, development, and troubleshooting.
- Profoundly skilled in designing, developing and testing software.
- Ability to integrate web services analysis, as well as update in-house applications for companies and individual clients.
- Ability to work together as a team with other employees and share ideas for innovation and accomplishment of goals and objectives of our firm.
I am a solution-oriented person who thrives in fast-paced and cumbersome environments, where my services and overall performance impacts the bottom line directly. I am confident that my strong educational and professional background, combined with my extensive experience in planning, monitoring and closing various projects, renders me ideally suited for this role.
Please take a look at my copy of my resume to learn more about my educational background and significant professional achievements. You can also reach me through my email address or contacts specified above. I will gladly follow up with you soon to speak about my qualifications and achievements, at your own convenient time.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours
Lopez Perez
Tips for Writing Software Developer Cover Letter
Use empirical data than words
When writing a cover letter for software developer positions, ensure that you back up your accomplishments with numbers where possible. Readers and managers in the technology industry tend to relate easily to empirical data than words.
Have a plan
It is essential to draft a sketch of a cover letter before you begin writing as it enables you to point out the significant points to include in your actual letter. Outline all the crucial issues and skills that you possess then explain them in details later in your final cover letter.
Use a brand statement
Kick your cover letter up a notch by adding words that are relevant to your industry at the top, as they pitch what you do best to the reader.
Shape up the appearance of your cover letter
Do not use more than two fonts while writing your cover letter. Besides, use bolds and italics sparingly so that they do not look overcrowded in your letter. You should instead use bullet points to showcase your qualifications and major abilities.
Pay attention to the order of your sections
Your sections should be in order from the most interesting to the least interesting to catch the attention of the hiring manager.
Things to avoid
Omitting your top selling points
Your cover letter should be compelling and give the reasons why you are the right candidate for the job. Emphasize your top accomplishments by creating subheadings culled from the job posting.
Do not be unconventional
If your cover letter is unprofessional, a hiring manager may take you for not being serious.
Do not ignore the right length of your letter
If your cover letter is too short, then you must have forgotten to include some vital information. Two to three short paragraphs are god for an ideally good cover letter.
Do not dwell on the past
Do not tell the hiring manager about your former employees but instead, take most of your time proving to them how you can band asset to their firm.
Conclusion: Formality is an important aspect to consider while composing a cover letter. Avoid talking too much about you or your former employers as it puts off the hiring manager. Besides, it is important to proofread your cover letter before submitting it to your target company.
How to Edit Software Developer Cover Letter Template
A professional PDF cover letter will help you win an interview for software developer. You can compare some cover letter templates and choose an appropriate one for yourself. And then just use a PDF editor, Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor Wondershare PDFelement Wondershare PDFelement, to modify the template and customize it to fit your skills.

Step 1. Open the Software Developer Cover Letter Template

Step 2. Click on "Edit" and Enter Your Text as You Like

Step 3. Complete and Save Your Software Developer Cover Letter